Sunday, February 28, 2010

1 month and were still together...

So today is the official 1 month anniversary with Cambodia. What a beautiful celebration she gave me today! Oh my Gosh! Today was fantastic. So I got up, got dressed, and then headed to the church. The church was full of children! Children from my English class, smiling beautiful faces. I was so excited to see them all there. So we asked a few of the orphanage kids to step up in leadership roles. We asked for some greeters, welcomers, bathroom duty(humble position), snack table attendants, and a slightly more organized worship team. The kids did it all, did I mention they are the greatest kids in the world? Did I mention how I adore them so? So everything worked like a well oiled machine as each child took loving responsibility for their friends salvation. So we got everyone seated, worship played, they did fantastic! Please understand that our worship team is made up of 14 year-olds, seriously. Te-a one of our kids plans all the worship songs, organizes the practices and players, and writes out the lyrics for each song...amazing kid. He has consider being a pastor but wants a more staple income, pastors make on average 20 dollars a month or less. That's not much to live on even for Cambodia.

*Important Interruption*
I just ran from my blog to go get Kit because I thought some village kids were breaking in our gate. So me and kit ran outside with a flash light only to find Channee and La tackling a cat. They had the cat pinned down with bamboo on the fence. This cat is a nasty cat. I say that it IS nasty because it is still in our possession, I wish I was using past tense. All the older boys ran downstairs to join in on this grand display of manliness. They bound the cat rather quickly to my surprise, gagged it, and then placed bamboo through its legs, and hoisted it upon there shoulders to show the hunt to the house. I don't know if I have laughed so hard in my life. I thought they were going to kill it, but sadly they didn't:)I hate cats. Cambodia's don't really have a concept of pets, animals are food that's really it. Anyways we took some victory pictures. Then the boys took it and weighed it and Vuthy looks at me with victory in his eyes, 2 kilo! I laughed historically again. I am still unsure why the weight of the cat added to our find. Well its about 9:30 at night, so the boys just leave the cat bound on the dining room floor and resume studying, all in a days work:) Glorious FUN!

Okay so to return to the actual story. I preached today and I think it went rather well. The spirit gives so much peace when we walk in her will! It was wonderful Ream translated, did I mention that Ream is super women! I mean seriously this women is made of some kind of Cambodian magic. She takes care of the boys, takes care of 35 orphans, huge community figure, finds money for those who need it, sacrifices money for those who need it more, and does it all with beauty and grace. Oh not to mention she constantly translates for me and Kit. Just wanted to make sure you knew that she was a hero! We sang silly songs and all the kids left with a treat. One amazing thing was I had time to look at the crowd, really look during translation. There were a few faces looking at me with such concentration, really really listening, I imagine this is the first time they have heard the gospel explained. Today I got to preach the gospel to children that have never heard the story, this makes my heart melt. I can't fully explain to you what today meant to me. I will cherish it for years to come.

So we headed back to the orphanage after wards to play with the kids! So much fun! We had oodles and oodles of children, every where freaking out over all the orphanage has to offer. We played dominate the small kid with a big ball. Which basically means that we have this huge ball that we throw at the small kids and watch them zig across the yard. I promise the small kids embrace the zig:) I have amazing pictures of this event. Some of my older English kids came up before they left and said, "goodbye sister, thank you." This is touched my heart. Oh and sister, is also customary, everyone is called by their position in the family. So I am either Bong or Ming, which translates to sister or auntie. There was so many sweet sweet moments through out the morning. P.S. for those of you sinners that are Dane Cook fans, all I could think about when I saw this picture above was, "that tire hunted Mary." He He I giggle.

We had visitors come in the afternoon, 2 older business men who wanted to see our orphanage. They took Khmer class with Reams sister. Two business men, good guys, the country setting totally threw them off I think. We played baseball and they seemed totally uncomfortable but they were good sports. Nice guys that really seemed impressed by what we do! I was proud to show off the orphanage, I wanted to make sure that they knew and understood just how fantastic it was. I wanted to be like, "no wait I need you to stay a few days, you have to get to know these kids."

So in the midst of chores dad makes a wager for 2000 real if any of the kids will catch the prized catfish. We have a micro pond or something like that. A tiny pond especially designed to grow lots and lots of fish in one place. So I upped the wager to 1 dollar and Channee was in the water in a second, jeans and all. For you see a dollar is a months allowance here. So Channee caught the fish with his bare hands. He walked waist deep in the pound, groping around, hunting the fish ever so slowly. Again, these boys are boys. I could get into a long conversation about gender roles and about how God designed them and how America has deviated from this which has caused our men to loose their masculinity and destroy the family core, however, I will refrain:) Basically we have so manly men here!! As I am writing this I can here the boys outside my window debating on what to do with the cat:)

Umm..other sweet moments. Oh this spoke so closely to my heart. As the orphanage was saying goodbye to our guests. Tate says in English, "Goodbye, come back soon." and then looks at me with a very serious face. "but you, never come back! Ever Ever Ever!" This is impressive for many reasons, 1.that he used this much English that well 2. That He knew that I would appreciate and accept his sarcasm 3.That he was able to successful deliver this sarcastic joke across the language barrier. I say number three because humor is some times difficult to carry across language barriers. It was an eye opening moment, these kids know me and I know them. We know each other without ever, ever at all, having a legit conversation. I have never said more then 1 sentence to any of the children. We don't need words, smiles, frowns, understanding giggles, simple words, organized games, orchestrated pranks, punches, pokes, dancing, teasing, hugs, cuddles, sideways glances all communicate our message of "Hey I understand you, and Hey I love you,"

So the visitor can speak pretty legit Khmer, Jerk! Way to show us all up. He has been living in the city for 9 months so he has a bit of advantage but the kids were impressed none the less. So Sadong, my Khmer teacher, and soon to be a close friend. Looks at me and says ,"You need to do better! Seriously you talk English all the time, all the day, no more, only Khmer." So I tried to talk to her and she says, "No, no more English, in Khmer." She doesn't realize that I have just begun learning verbs so this is a bit of a ridiculous request but I appreciate the challenge all the same. So basically I am putting my nose to the grindstone and getting these verbs so that I can begin basic sentences. However, I must say I can generally understand what the kids are saying. I can listen but I can't speak. Ream pointed out I am like a baby, babies listen for years before they can form sentences, this was oddly comforting. However, please be praying for self-discipline in this department. If anyone has tried to legit learn a language they know how straight disheartening it can be on many occasions.

So today was dang gorgeous and I thank the Lord above! Shoot I am filled with Joy! I may bubble over! I am super tired, super tired so I must sleep. Oh BTW its like 95 plus right now as I lay in my bed. I may or may not loose 5 pounds in my sleep. Oh and P.S. I am officially relearning basic grammar rules again, so my texts may improve! I nailed down the spelling of where and were, and there appropriate use! Success in so many ways! I love you all and I wish I could show you the state of my current spirit, I imagine my insides look like rainbows and frosted easter cookies, you know with the thick icing on top. Yep thats what my soul feels like right now, the store bought thick icing sugar cookies...ummm So Good!

P.S. for fantastic pics of all the kids please click the link to the directors blog, Erica could professional pics of them all. They all choose their own outfits, Cambodia has an interesting style;)


  1. Courtney, I am astounded by how descriptive your blog is! How cool will it be for you to look back on this! You must spend a long time writing these, I am sure your family appreciates that.

    Good work Courtney:) Keep on blessing those around you:)

  2. my heart beats with IMMENSE joy for all the good things HE is doing in cambodia and in your spirit!

    and the cat... oh. my. goodness!!!!!!! i want to be friends with those boys!
